IBS Mentorship

This faculty research advisor is often the most significant mentor for a PhD student. A good mentor is a coach, guide, confidant, supporter and problem-solver. The faculty research advisor is also the first person for help with financial support.

IBS faculty research advisors commit to dedicating substantial time to the scientific, professional and personal development of the graduate student, and commit to a high level of professionalism and contributions to an inclusive environment, and

 IBS graduate students acknowledge their primary responsibility for completion of their degree and commit to maintain active engagement in classroom, lab and professional activities, with high ethical standards.

Students and IBS Training Faculty are strongly encouraged to be active participants:

  • Know the basic rules of the program, especially concerning the courses, rotations, qualifier, and the dissertation defense: Read the IBS Handbook, engage in orientations and seek information from the Graduate Program Directors and the IBS Office.
  • Commit to regular communication, to discuss issues relating to the course of study, research progress and broader professional development. Complete and update the online IBS Mentor/Student Trainee Compact and refer to resources
  • Participate in professional development activities. Professional development is characterized by continuous improvement and will include annual objectives.
  • Understand your role in GW policies and reporting procedures

IBS holds periodic workshops and trainings on mentorship and professional development.  Refer to recent workshops and trainings such as:

Research Advisor Financial Responsibilities

In addition to mentorship responsibilities, the research advisor has financial responsibilities for an IBS student.  First-year IBS students are provided IBS fellowships and full tuition and health insurance.

Beginning July 1 of the student’s second year, the faculty research advisor is responsible for the student compensation for the remainder of their PhD program. The IBS program continues to support tuition costs and health insurance through the program, with good progress. Student compensation is typically distributed as a Graduate Research Assistant award from the research advisor grant, but may alternatively be derived from an institutional training grant, individual fellowship, or other sources. Research advisor financial responsibility is confirmed with Chair/ Division Director and institutional leadership.

PhD Training Faculty List