The PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics is designed to develop research scientists who apply principles and methods in genomics and bioinformatics to the study of human diseases.
The PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics provides research training areas that reflect GW faculty expertise which includes DNA/RNA sequence analysis, algorithm development, cloud computing optimization, informatics platform development, biomarker discovery, microbiome, retrovirology (HIV/AIDS), autism spectrum disorders, muscular dystrophies, cancer genomics, glycoinformatics, microRNA processing, protein trafficking, and dysregulation of mitochondrial functions. Faculty are drawn largely from the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences and Children’s Research Institute of Children’s National Health System.
Students have access to the state of the art technologies in genomics, proteomics, microscopy, bioinformatics, pre-clinical drug trials and multi-site clinical trial networks. Resources include the GW Genomics Core, the GW Biorepository resource of biospecimens and clinical data, the McCormick Genomic and Proteomic Center, and Colonial One (the GW High Performance Computing Cluster), as well as cutting-edge core facilities for flow cytometry, imaging, and pathology.
PhD programs in the biomedical sciences are designed to meet key goals in contemporary graduate research education including 1) discipline-specific knowledge, 2) research skill development, 3) research communication skills, 4) research leadership, 5) research professionalism, and prepare graduates for a variety of science careers. To apply, please visit IBS Admissions.
The PhD in Genomics & Bioinformatics begins with interdisciplinary coursework in molecular, cellular, and systems biology in the first semester. In the second and third semester students take a comprehensive introduction to the conceptual and experimental underpinnings of computational biology, statistics, genetics, and DNA sequencing. Career development coursework in scientific writing, oral communication, and research ethics; and laboratory rotations offered through GW’s Integrated Biomedical Sciences curriculum. Following required laboratory rotations, students work with their research advisor and the Graduate Program Directors to complete remaining Genomics & Bioinformatics degree requirements, including the dissertation.
Genomics and Bioinformatics Core:
- GENO 8231: Introduction to Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
- GENO 8232: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics - Principals and Practices
- GENO 6223: Bioinformatics
- GENO 6237: Proteomics & Biomarkers
- GENO 8998: Advanced Reading and Research Seminar Course
- GENO 8999: Dissertation Research
Some Suggested Electives:
- BIOC 6240: Next Gen Sequencing.
- PUBH 6277: Public Health Genomics
- BMSC 8219: Writing the Grant-Style Qualifier
Seminars/Journal Clubs:
CTSI-CN Informatics Seminar Series
Complete grant-style qualifier examination, advance to candidacy
Graduate Program Directors:
Ljubica Caldovic, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Genomics and Precision Medicine
Children's National Health System; GWU
LCaldovic [at] (LCaldovic[at]childrensnational[dot]org)
Raja Mazumder, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
GWU, Ross Hall 540
mazumder [at] (mazumder[at]gwu[dot]edu)
How to apply to the IBS and Genomics and Bioinformatics PhD Program
For IBS Application Questions contact Colleen Kennedy, IBS Program Manager